Hey, I'm Emma, who I am is I Am, what my soul calls me to do is expressed in a multitude of ways, and although there are many paths you can take, to make the best choice, you only need to listen to your inner-voice. Right now, Emma podcasts, has published a book on poetry, holds space for the full spectrum of what it means to be human, offers thought partnership and facilitates meditation. In all of these expressions, Emma believes that healing is a process of remembrance, re-discovering who we are. Her personal mission is to know and experience unconditional love in all its forms. Her wider intention is to create space for herself and others to feel the challenging emotions that are often avoided and suppressed. Emma's philosophy is that all of our emotions and circumstances are here to serve and guide us into a deeper, more intimate connection with ourselves and our lives.

-my why/motivation - mentioning how everything I share is something I’ve applied in my own life and walked through

-introduce to my products/services (rough overview) and how to navigate: names of what I do

and my services/offerings